At the age of 43, Nathan Harpster felt hopeless. So hopeless, in fact, he loosely thought about giving up on life all together. What happened to make such a young man lose his drive? A misinformed medical diagnosis.
It all started with pain in the toes on his left foot. He’d been experiencing it for a while, but just thought he had gout. Finally, the pain got so bad it drove him to see a podiatrist. The podiatrist found that Nathan had a blockage in the artery of his left leg causing a lack of blood flow. The blockage was so severe that Nathan’s foot was 7 degrees cooler than his right. The podiatrist immediately referred Nathan for surgery.
It all started with pain in the toes on his left foot. He’d been experiencing it for a while, but just thought he had gout. Finally, the pain got so bad it drove him to see a pediatrist. The pediatrist found that Nathan had a blockage in the artery of his left leg causing a lack of blood flow. The blockage was so severe that Nathan’s foot was 7 degrees cooler than his right. The pediatrist immediately referred Nathan for surgery.
Nathan saw a vascular doctor who performed the surgery, which put Nathan in the hospital for eight days day – four in the ICU – with two blood transfusions. As he recovered from surgery, though, he realized things weren’t healing right. He went back to the doctor and was diagnosed with another blood clot, right behind his knee. Regardless of his previous surgery, this blood clot was so severe that his leg was getting only 30% blood flow to his foot. Nathan was told that his only option was to amputate his leg at the knee.
Nathan went home to think about his options. During this time, he accidentally kicked a table with his bad leg. A new problem emerged – gangrene in a toe on his left foot due to the trauma. While still contemplating amputation to his leg, Nathan was referred back to his podiatrist for wound care to the gangrene. During treatment, Nathan shared about his impending amputation. The podiatrist told him he must seek a second opinion with Dr. Rajesh Davé.
Upon Nathan’s first consultation with Dr. Davé, he was scheduled for surgery right away to save his foot. After two microvascular procedures with Dr. Davé, the blood flow in Nathan’s foot went from 30% to 100%! His gangrene cleared up. Best of all, there was no more threat of amputation.
Nathan was able to keep his leg and regain his joy for life. His two-year journey of pain and disappointment came to an end after surgery performed by Dr. Davé.
As a music lover and avid guitar player since age 12, Nathan is now able enjoy his passion for live music events again. He’s pain free with full mobility restored. His hope has returned and his future is bright.
Rock on, Nathan.
Dr Davé saved my husband's foot and probably his leg! He had been in wound care for more than 6 months with no results. We even had an unsuccessful cardiovascular surgery by one of their surgical affiliates. We had just been told that we were out of options, when I read an article about Dr Davé and called for a consult. Responsive and reassuring Dr Davés skill and expertise saved the limb. Dr. Davé has given Harold the mental well being that comes with being whole and healthy. We feel fortunate to have such a talented, caring and dedicated Dr!
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